Septic System Maintenance Celebrated in SepticSmart Week
10-18% of septic systems in the US are failing, a statistic that is estimated to increase due to changes in the climate. With over 22 million households using septic systems, proper maintenance of septic systems are critical. Each year the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) holds SepticSmart Week, an annual event that occurs the third week of September. This year SepticSmart Week, September 18 – 22 in 2023. is celebrating its 11th Anniversary!
Due to the challenges of septic system maintenance across the country the EPA’s SepticSmart program provides materials to the public to be downloaded, distributed and shared by people, municipalities and septic services businesses like Double Flush. These materials are designed to make septic system maintenance easier to understand and explain to other people in your household in order to keep your septic system operating as designed. When septic systems fail, not only is it a big expense to replace a septic system (compared to maintaining) but a failed septic system causes major health concerns with potential sewage and bacteria entering the groundwater.
We service the Northern Ohio area including Erie, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.