Maintaining Your Septic Systems: SPRING CLEANING

Spring is almost here – which means spring cleaning. As we get outdoors and start the spring clean-up around the yard and property, what should you be doing for maintaining your septic systems?

Here are a few tips for maintaining your septic system in the spring:


Septic Tank Maintenance this Spring:

  1. Inspect the system: Spring is a good time to inspect your septic system for any damage or signs of wear and tear. Check for leaks, cracks, and other damage to pipes and tanks, and make any necessary repairs.
  2. Pump the tank: Spring is a good time to have your septic tank pumped out. This removes built-up sludge and ensures that the system is working properly. (See Septic Cleaning.)
  3. Be mindful of water usage: Spring often brings increased rainfall, so it’s important to be mindful of water usage to avoid overwhelming your septic system. Consider installing low-flow toilets and showerheads, fixing leaky faucets, and spacing out laundry loads.
  4. Avoid planting trees or shrubs near the septic system: Spring can be a great time to plant new trees and shrubs.  However, roots from trees and shrubs can damage septic system components, so avoid planting them too close to the system.
  5. Don’t put harmful chemicals down the drain: As you’re doing spring cleaning in the yard, the garage and getting stuff out of the house, pay careful attention to what you’re dumping. Avoid pouring harmful chemicals such as pesticides, paint, and oil down the drain, as these can damage the septic system and harm the environment.
  6. Schedule regular maintenance: Regular maintenance is key to keeping your septic system in good working order. Consider scheduling annual or bi-annual inspections and pump-outs to keep your system functioning properly. (See Maintenance Plans)

Septic Tank Cleanings: Frequency

We get it. We’re biased. We clean septic tanks for a living so we’re big advocates of keeping septic tanks properly maintained and regularly pumped, but you don’t need to take our word for it. Who doesn’t trust Bob Vila? On the Bob Vila site there is some good advice on septic tank cleaning and frequency:

While a septic system should be inspected annually, the number of people relying on the system often determines the frequency of pumping. For example, a home with a single resident may only need a pumping service every 5 years, while a home with two to three residents will likely need service every 3 to 4 years. A home with four or five residents will generally need to call a septic tank professional for pumping services within 2 years. –


  • Grease
  • Rags and strings
  • Coffee grounds
  • Paper towels
  • Baby wipes
  • Sanitary napkins and tampons
  • Diapers
  • Cigarette butts
  • Antibacterial soaps
  • Trash
  • Condoms
  • Bandages
  • Dental Floss
  • Cat Litter
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Other non-degradable products


You can do your part to keep your septic tank healthy and reduce the frequency of septic tank pumping. First, don’t put anything down your septic system that is non-biodegradable, such as cigarette butts, diapers, paper towels, and more. Plus, installing an effluent filter, which helps to decrease the number of solids that leave the tank helps promote your septic tank’s health.


We service the Northern Ohio area; are service area includes ErieLorainWaynePortageSummitStark and Medina Counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings. Our team offers efficient septic tank pumping, so we take up as little of your time as possible. We take our time to ensure your septic tank looks good and is in good shape for the future. Rest assured, when you partner with our local, family-owned septic company, your Northern Ohio home or business will be well served. Call to get started today!