Why Does My Septic System Back Up When it Rains?

Are you having occasional septic system back ups with heavy rains? Is your drain field, or leach field, showing its age when it rains? How do you know when it’s a problem? Considering the rainy season in our area of Ohio will be upon us soon, it’s important to be able to distinguish between a temporary issue from a rare oversaturation of the ground and a sign your septic system needs to be pumped-out, cleaned or replaced.

A few things to know about your septic system back ups:

Do All Septic System Back Up When it Rains?

Should Heavy Rains Cause Issues With My Septic System?

The quick answer is, No. Heavy rains should not cause you to have septic problems. If you notice issues with the leach field, or drain field, with a heavy rain, either ponding in the drain field or septic backing up into the house, it’s usually a sign that:

1) You need a septic system replacement.

When the rainfall is intense, the leach field is saturated with rainwater and isn’t able to work properly, that can be cause for alarm.  It is a sign that a repair is needed.  When Double Flush inspects the septic system we can schedule a pump-out and septic cleaning or repairs if necessary.  We’ll also give you an honest assessment of the remaining life of your septic system and drain field status.  Every septic system has a life expectancy and depending on how old your septic system is, this could be a sign that it has reached the end.

2) Header is not level.

Having your septic back up when it rains could also be a sign you’re in need of a simple repair.  For example, it could mean that your header is not level so only a portion of the drain field, or leach field, is being used. By leveling the header you’ll use the whole drain field and stop experiencing the septic back ups when it rains.



  • Grease
  • Rags and strings
  • Coffee grounds
  • Paper towels
  • Baby wipes
  • Sanitary napkins and tampons
  • Diapers
  • Cigarette butts
  • Antibacterial soaps
  • Trash
  • Condoms
  • Bandages
  • Dental Floss
  • Cat Litter
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Other non-degradable products


You can do your part to keep your septic tank healthy and reduce the frequency of septic tank pumping. First, don’t put anything down your septic system that is non-biodegradable, such as cigarette butts, diapers, paper towels, and more. Plus, installing an effluent filter, which helps to decrease the number of solids that leave the tank helps promote your septic tank’s health.


We service the Northern Ohio area; are service area includes ErieLorainWaynePortageSummitStark and Medina Counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings. Our team offers efficient septic tank pumping, so we take up as little of your time as possible. We take our time to ensure your septic tank looks good and is in good shape for the future. Rest assured, when you partner with our local, family-owned septic company, your Northern Ohio home or business will be well served. Call to get started today!