Save Money on Septic Expenses by Managing Water Use

Easiest Way to Save Money on Septic Expenses:
Manage Water Use


Does Water Usage Increase Septic Expenses?

The water usage habits of your household has a direct impact on your septic expenses. Think long showers, days with five loads of laundry and the dish washer cycling and let’s explain what happens to your septic system.

When you are on septic, instead of public sewer, anytime you run water in the house, that water runs through the plumbing and into the septic tank. Every ounce of water that comes in from the house will push the same amount of water out to the drain field. As we covered in ARE SEPTIC TANK ADDITIVES NECESSARY?  there’s two layers of solids in the septic tank (see image). The middle part of the of the septic tank is where the cleanest water is.  On the back side of the tank you have an outlet device. The outlet device goes into that middle part of the of the tank and allows the cleanest layer of water to go out to the drain field.  The two layers of solids remain in the tank until you have your tank pumped (by Double Flush Septic, of course).

As that water is coming into the tank it’s going to start to churn. The water in the tank starts making a circular motion and those solids from the top start mixing into the middle. More water, more churning and the solids from the bottom also get mixed into the middle.  When the household is doing multiple loads of laundry, showering and running the dishwasher at the same time,  solids in the middle zone get pushed out to the drainfield. This leads to increased septic expenses such as:

  • lowering the life of your drain field
  • needing to get a new septic system sooner
  • also requiring more septic tank pumping and septic repairs like filter cleaning and replacement


Although one five-load laundry day is not going to kill your drain field, long term water usage habits will make a difference.


#1 Tip to Reduce Septic Expenses: Manage Laundry Habits

  • It’s best to spread the loads out throughout the week than having a “laundry day”. If you’re doing two loads in a day, it is better to do a load of laundry in the morning and one later at night. The more you can spread the loads of laundry out the more you can protect the drain field by keeping that middle part of the septic tank is as clean as possible.
  • Convert to a high efficiency washer. It makes an enormous difference by using a lot less water.


#2 Tip to Reduce Septic Expenses: Showering

  • Do you have household members taking long showers and you’re worried they might be hurting the septic system? Although one 30 minute shower is not going to have a big impact, if you have two people taking shower for 30 minutes while running the dishwasher or laundry – definite danger zone.
  • Try to keep showers to one at a time.
  • Try not to showers while laundry machine is dumping water into the septic tank.

#3 Tip to Reduce Septic Expenses: Optimize Dish Washing

  • Most dishwashers are water efficient, but it is still best not to run the dishwasher while showering, doing laundry or putting strain on the septic.

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including ErieLorainMedina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Our goal is to be the Best Septic Services Company Near You!

We want to save you money by maintaining the health and extending the life and of your septic system. We aim to be the best septic services company near you. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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How Often to Pump Septic Tank for a Family of Four?

How Often Do I Pump My Septic Tank With Family of 4?


How Do I Know When to Pump My Septic Tank?

Answering the question “how often to pump a septic tank” is like figuring out how often to change your oil without an odometer reading. It depends, right? The oil change question is easier to imagine because most of us know it will depend on how much the car is used, how much the engine is running, how big the engine is, how the car is driven, what type of oil is used, what type of car it is… You get the picture. Answering the question for a septic tank is similar:

  • How big is the tank?
  • How many people are in the household?
  • What type of chemicals are going down the drain and how often?
  • What are the water usage habits in the household? states:

Generally, a septic tank should be pumped every 3 to 5 years. 

Maintaining a septic tank system isn’t all that expensive, but it’s definitely more costly to dig up and repair or replace a system that has failed due to neglect. Some septic systems may need to be pumped once a year depending on the tank size, number of people in the household, and amount of wastewater produced. Other systems may be able to wait 5 years between each septic pumping. On average, it’s recommended that you call in a professional every 3 to 5 years to maintain the life of your septic system. The frequency with which the tank needs to be cleaned depends on the level of waste in the tank and not a specific time frame.

At Double Flush Septic Services many of our customers choose maintenance plans in order to take the guess work out of their septic system maintenance. When our clients are on a septic maintenance plan we are familiar with their septic system and septic cleaning (or septic pumping) needs.  All the septic tank pumping is done preventively to optimize the lifespan of the septic system and monitor the household’s use for any needed adjustments.

To keep the answer simple it depends on the amount of solids that are in the tank. Septic tanks should be clean when they are at about 20 to 25% solids. This means, in a conventional 1,000 gallon septic tank, it holds five feet of water.

Sludge Judge Can Tell Us When to Pump Your Septic Tank

We use a tool called the Sludge Judge to take a core sample of the cross section of the septic tank.  We dip it in, and when we pull it out we see how much solid is on top (scum layer in image) how much clear water is in the middle and how much sludge is in the bottom. We add up the amount of solids, let’s say there’s six inches of top scum and six inches of bottom sludge, that’s a foot of solids. In this case one foot of a five foot capacity septic tank is 20% solids, so the tank is ready for a cleaning.

For More Posts About How Often to Pump Septic Tank:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including ErieLorainMedina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Our goal is to be the Best Septic Services Company Near You!

We want to save you money by maintaining the health and extending the life and of your septic system. We aim to be the best septic services company near you. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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Be SepticSmart: Protect Your Drainfield

Septic Drainfield: Tips for Septic System Care



The drainfield is a vital part of your septic system. Having the right landscaping on and around your system is important, as tree and shrubbery roots can grow into the drain lines. Also, other heavy items like cars and livestock can break drain lines. Strong roots and heavy items can cause the drainfield to fail. And if the drainfield fails, your system fails.

There are several resources available for septic system owners on the EPA website.  This post is about drainfield maintenance and things to avoid doing near your drainfield. If you’re a first-time septic system owner you may consider using these one-pagers to print out and have handy around the house or in the garage – as a reminder.


DO: Divert rain and surface water away and avoid parking vehicles and planting trees on your drainfield.



• Plant a vegetable garden on or near the drainfield.
• Put plastic sheets, bark, gravel or other fill over the drainfield.
• Reshape or fill the ground surface over the drainfield and reserve area. However, just adding topsoil is generally OK if it isn’t more than a couple inches.
• Make ponds on or near the septic system and the reserve area.


• Plant grass or keep existing native vegetation. These are the best covers for your drainfield.
• Direct all surface drainage away from the septic system.
• Use shallow-rooted plants (see plant list above). Tree and shrub roots can grow into the drainlines, clogging and breaking them.
• Avoid water-loving plants and trees.
• Make sure the tank lid is secure.


Here are some tips to keep your drainfield out of harm’s way.
Locate your septic tank and drainfield. Then make sure the area is clear of:
• Underground sprinkler lines
• Decks and patios
• Sports courts
• Storage sheds
• Swing sets
• Sand boxes
• Driveways
• Vehicles
• Swimming pools


Plant native, drought-tolerant plants. These are some of the best for your septic system and its drainfield:

• Fescue
• Lawn
• Ornamental grasses
• Wildflower meadow mixes

Groundcovers for sun:
• Bugleweed (Ajuga)
• Carpet heathers (Calluna Vulgaris)
• Cotoneaster (Cotoneaster)
• Ground ivy (Glechoma)
• Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos)
• Periwinkle (Vinca)

Groundcovers for shade:
• Bunchberry (Cornus)
• Chameleon (Houttuynia)
• Ferns
• Mosses
• Sweet woodruff (Galium Odoratum)
• Wild ginger (Asarum)
• Wintergreen (Gaultheria)


Most septic systems malfunction because of inappropriate design or poor maintenance. Some soil-based systems, those with a drainfield, are installed at sites with inadequate or inappropriate soils, excessive slopes, or high ground water tables. These conditions can cause hydraulic failures and contamination of nearby water sources.

Failure to perform routine maintenance can cause solids in the tank to migrate into the drain field and clog the system. Regular maintenance, such as pumping out the septic tank, should be done at least every three to five years. (How Often to Pump My Septic Tank?) Also, being conservative with water and product use will reduce the load to the system and add to longevity. (SAVE MONEY ON SEPTIC EXPENSES BY MANAGING WATER USE)

For More Posts About Proper Care of Your Drainfield and Septic Tank:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including ErieLorainMedina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Our goal is to be the Best Septic Services Company Near You!

We want to save you money by maintaining the health and extending the life and of your septic system. We aim to be the best septic services company near you. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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SepticSmart Week Emphasizes Importance of Septic System Maintenance

Septic System Maintenance Celebrated in SepticSmart Week



It is important to properly maintain your septic tank and septic system for several reasons:

 1. Septic System Maintenance Saves You Money

Malfunctioning systems can cost $3,000-7,000 to repair or replace compared to maintenance costs of about $250-500 every 3-5 years.

 2. Properly Maintained Septic Systems Add Value to Your Home

Protect the value of your home by keeping your septic system properly maintained. Failed or malfunctioning septic systems can drastically reduce property values, add a level of difficulty to the sale of your home, and even pose a legal liability.

 3. Maintained Septic Systems Keep Your Family Safe

Properly maintaining your septic system keeps your water clean and safe. This is one way to keep your family’s drinking water pure, and reduces the risk of contaminating community, local, and regional waters.

 4. Healthy Septic Systems Keep the Environment Clean

Failing septic systems can harm the local ecosystem by killing native plants, fish, and shellfish.

Double Flush Handles Your Septic System Maintenance

Click on the image of SepticSmart Sam to print out a comprehensive flyer that you can keep in important areas of the house to remind your family about the Do’s and Don’t of Septic System Maintenance and Proper Care of Your Drainfield. Contact Double Flush Septic Services to set up a septic inspectionseptic tank pumping, septic cleaning and an annual septic maintenance plan to take all the guesswork out of your septic tank maintenance. By investing just a few hundred dollars a year in preventative maintenance you can save yourself tens of thousands of dollars in repairs or replacement of a failing septic system.

Click through the materials below for more easy-to-understand tips for septic system maintenance reminders:


The drainfield is a vital part of your septic system. Having the right landscaping on and around your system is important, as tree and shrubbery roots can grow into the drain lines. Also, other heavy items like cars and livestock can break drain lines. Strong roots and heavy items can cause the drainfield to fail. And if the drainfield fails, your system fails.



From explaining how a septic system works to how do you know if your septic system is not working properly, this flyer is a comprehensive, double-sided handout with a comprehensive look at septic system maintenance. Topics include:

  • Do I have a septic system and how to find it.
  • What can I do to maintain my system?
  • How do I know if my septic system is not working properly?
  • How does a septic system work?


The simple do’s and don’ts of your septic system. Basics include these 5 tips made easy to remember:

  • Protect It and Inspect It
  • Think at the Sink
  • Don’t Overload the Commode
  • Shield Your Field
  • Don’t Strain Your Drain


For More Posts About Proper Care of Your Drainfield and Septic Tank:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including ErieLorainMedina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Our goal is to be the Best Septic Services Company Near You!

We want to save you money by maintaining the health and extending the life and of your septic system. We aim to be the best septic services company near you. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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Septic Tanks: Do’s and Don’ts of Your Septic System

Septic Tanks: Save Money by Following These Guidelines



The EPA has made several resources available for home owners and business owners that have septic tanks and can be found on Some of our favorites are these simple one-pagers to download. These are great for posting around the house as reminders for the family and visitors.

Do Your Part, Be Septic Smart: The Do’s and Don’ts of Your Septic System and

Do Your Part, Be Septic Smart – a picture of the house and yard with septic tips including “shield your field.”

Septic Cleaning Near Me


DO: Have your system inspected (in general) every one to three years by a licensed contractor and have the tank pumped, when necessary, generally every three to five years.





• Pour cooking grease or oil down the sink or toilet.
• Rinse coffee grounds into the sink.
• Pour household chemicals down the sink or flush them.



• Eliminate or limit the use of a garbage disposal.
• Properly dispose of coffee grounds & food.
• Put grease in a container to harden before discarding in the trash.



• Flush non-degradable products or chemicals, such as tampons, condoms, dental floss, diapers, cigarette butts, cat litter, paper towels, pharmaceuticals.



• Dispose of these items in the trash can!



• Park or drive on your drainfield. The weight can damage the drain lines.
• Plant trees or shrubs too close to your drainfield, roots can grow into your septic system and clog it.



• Consult a septic service professional to advise you of the proper distance for planting trees and shrubs, depending on your septic tank location.



• Concentrate your water use by using your dishwasher, shower, washing machine, and toilet at the same time. All that extra water can really strain your septic system.



• Stagger the use of water-generating appliances. This can be helpful especially if your system has not been pumped in a long time.
• Become more water efficient by fixing plumbing leaks and consider installing bathroom and kitchen faucet aerators and water-efficient products.


For More Posts About How Often to Pump Septic Tank:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including ErieLorainMedina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Our goal is to be the Best Septic Services Company Near You!

We want to save you money by maintaining the health and extending the life and of your septic system. We aim to be the best septic services company near you. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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Scary Signs You Need Septic Tank Cleaning

How Do You Know When You Need a Septic Tank Cleaning?

Signs You Need a Septic Tank Cleaning ASAP

Most septic system owners will engage with a septic services company, like Double Flush Septic Services, in order to schedule preventive septic tank cleaning and septic inspections to avoid these scary signs that your septic tank cleaning is long over due. By taking this approach you keep your septic system operating efficiently longer – avoiding septic repairs, emergency service and premature septic system failure, which saves you thousands of dollars in the long run.

 1. Wastewater Backing Up

If you find sewage in the bathtub or other signs that wastewater is backing up you could need a septic tank cleaning, or more likely you have a clogged septic drain.  The good news is that this can usually be fixed with a septic drain line snaking. The bad news is you want to act fast! Living with clogged septic drains and wastewater backup can cause bigger repairs and have a negative health impact on your family. Septic system gases can cause hydrogen sulfide poisoning and the methane and hydrogen sulfide gases are flammable and explosive, so it’s essential to call a professional if you have strong sewage smells. There are several reasons why sewer lines get backed-up and not all of them are entirely preventable.

  • Fatberg of grease and other solids, “flushable wipes” that are not really flushable, or an item (like some Legos or other toys) causing a blockage. Our septic drain line snaking is used on exterior septic drain lines, so if the clog is not within the home’s plumbing but in the drains running from the home to the septic system, this will break-up the clog and clear your drains. (SEPTIC EMERGENCY: FLUSHABLE WIPES CAN RUIN A PARTY)
  • Roots have grown into the septic line and created a blockage. This is a common issue with septic owners and the reason why we recommend planting trees and shrubs away from drain lines. These roots can also be broken up with our septic drain snaking service and controlled with a RootX application. RootX in a root inhibitor that we can apply on annual basis to prevent roots from growing into the drain lines and clogging them.
  • Infrequent septic tank pumping. If it has been too long since your last septic tank cleaning you may experience wastewater backing up. Imagine if your family of four, with two teenage boys, buys a home previously owned by a retired couple.  Just think of the difference in toilet usage between those two households and laundry usage and dishes being washed and showers, etc… And if that tank is a little on the small side for your family’s habits, you may have gone too long between septic pumping (HOW OFTEN TO PUMP SEPTIC TANK FOR A FAMILY OF FOUR?)

 2. Pipes Slow to Drain, Toilet Hard to Flush or Gurgling Sounds

Any of these signs could mean you have a clog or a full septic tank. When you call Double Flush Septic Services we’ll work with you to troubleshoot and pump your septic tank, break up your septic clog and make sure you’re in good shape. If you have recently had your septic tank cleaned, we can rule that out and focus on where the clog could be. Although this doesn’t typically warrant an emergency septic service, you want to call as soon as possible to keep it from getting worse.  We do not recommend using a chemical drain cleaner. See the Think at the Sink on EPA’s website that explains:

“Your septic system contains a collection of living organisms that digest and treat household waste. Pouring toxins down your drain can kill these organisms and harm your septic system. Whether you are at the kitchen sink, bathtub, or utility sink avoid chemical drain openers for a clogged drain.”

3. Foul Smells Coming From the Septic Tank

The scariest sign of all has to be terrible odors coming from your drains and septic tank. This is undoubtedly a sign that your waste is not submerged in the septic tank as designed and your septic tank cleaning is overdue. Contact Double Flush Septic Services right away and let us know more about these odors. Knowing where the smell is coming from will help us understand if this is an emergency septic service or something we can schedule out.

More Posts About Septic Tank Cleaning and Maintenance:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including Erie, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Striving to be the Best Septic Tank Cleaning Company Near You!

When it comes to septic maintenance our goal is to save you money by lengthening the life and maintaining the health of your septic system. We strive to be the best septic services, septic pumping and septic cleaning company. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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Do I Need Emergency Septic Services?

When Do You Know Your Septic Issue is a Septic Emergency?

You May Need Emergency Septic Services If…

1. You Notice Slow Drains

Slow drains are often the first indication of a septic system problem. If you notice that water is draining slowly in your home’s sinks, shower, or bathtub, it could be because your septic system is full, or there is some sort of blockage or damage. These blockages can cause significant damage over time, so it’s important to seek emergency septic services as soon as possible.

2. Foul Odors Are Coming From Your Home or Yard

One of the most obvious signs of a septic system issue is a pungent smell. The septic system is designed to keep wastewater out of sight and smell, so if foul odors start seeping into your home or yard, then it’s time for emergency services. These smells could indicate a backup of sewage or an issue with your septic tank or drainfield. Regardless of the reason, contact a professional immediately to avoid further damage.

3. You Have Standing Water Around the Drainfield

Standing water in your lawn or around the septic tank or drainfield could mean that your system is not functioning properly. There could be a blockage in the drainfield, or the ground could be saturated due to an overflowing septic tank. In either case, standing water is a significant sign that you need emergency septic services.

4. There Are Strange Noises In Toilets or Drains

It is common for a septic system to produce sounds that indicate normal functioning, but if you hear any abnormal sounds, then it is time to seek professional help. Strange gurgling sounds coming from your toilet or drains or bubbling sounds coming from the septic tank often indicate that there is a blockage or damage to the system. If you experience these sounds, you should seek assistance immediately.

5. Sewage Starts to Backup Into Your Home

Finally, backups are the most apparent sign that you need emergency septic services. If sewage starts to back up into your home, it is imperative that you get professional help right away. Backups are usually caused by septic tank issues or blocked drain fields, and letting the issue fester will only make it worse.


Overall, your septic system is designed to work for you, but there are signs that it needs repair. If you notice any of the five signs described above, call in the professionals of Double Flush Septic Services to avoid irreparable damage to your home, yard, and septic system. Ideally, setting up a preventative maintenance plan helps avoid emergencies, so be sure to have your system regularly scheduled for cleaning and inspections. With proper attention, your septic system will continue to function properly for years, keeping your family and the environment safe.

More Posts About Septic Emergencies, Cleaning and Maintenance:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including Erie, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Striving to be the Best Septic Tank Cleaning Company Near You!

When it comes to septic maintenance our goal is to save you money by lengthening the life and maintaining the health of your septic system. We strive to be the best septic services, septic pumping and septic cleaning company. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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Understanding the Different Types of Septic Repairs

Understanding Different Types of Septic Repairs Can Save You Money

Different Types of Septic Repairs

1. Septic Pipe Repairs:

Pipe issues are one of the most common problems homeowners with septic systems face. Root intrusion, cracks, and general wear and tear can cause pipes to leak or become clogged. To address these issues, a professional septic repair service will usually perform a pipe inspection to determine the extent of the problem. In the case of a clog, drain snaking or drain auguring can be used to remove buildup, while pipe replacement might be necessary if the damage is beyond repair.

2. Septic Pump Repairs:

The septic pump is responsible for moving wastewater from the tank to the drain field. A malfunctioning or broken pump can lead to overflows and back-ups. When faced with a pump problem, septic professionals will often inspect the tank and pump to determine if the issue is a clog or a more severe problem. Replacing the pump might be necessary if the issue is more than a simple clog.

3. Septic Drain Field Repairs:

The drain field is the area where wastewater is distributed into the soil. Drain field issues can cause standing water, foul odors, and an increase in pests. A failed drain field often results in wastewater backing up into your home, causing significant damage. To fix drain field issues, septic professionals may investigate the soil composition and possibly replace the piping or regrade the terrain to prevent any further damage.

4. Septic Tank Repairs:

Tank issues can arise from a variety of causes, from age to accidental damage. A leaking septic tank can cause significant environmental damage as well as pose a health hazard. Septic system professionals will inspect and assess the issue before recommending a solution. In some cases, repairs can be made to the tank, and in others, a tank replacement may be necessary.

5. Septic Maintenance Services:

Regular septic maintenance includes pumping the tank, inspecting the drainfield, and checking the overall system’s health. Scheduling regular maintenance with a septic maintenance plan can prevent many of the above problems from happening and ensure the system is running efficiently. Regular maintenance can also identify smaller issues before they become more significant, requiring costly repairs.

More Posts About Septic Tank Cleaning and Maintenance:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including ErieLorainMedina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Striving to be the Best Septic Tank Cleaning Company Near You!

When it comes to septic maintenance our goal is to save you money by lengthening the life and maintaining the health of your septic system. We strive to be the best septic services, septic pumping and septic cleaning company. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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Septic System Winterization: Preparing Your System for Cold Weather

Have You Ensured That Your Septic System is Ready for Cold Weather?

To prepare for Ohio’s coldest months…

Pump Your Septic Tank:

Before winter sets in it’s time to prepare for your Septic System Winterization. It’s advisable to have your septic tank pumped by professionals like Double Flush. This removes any excess sludge and scum that may have accumulated, providing ample space for wastewater during the winter months.

Insulate Exposed Pipes and Components:

Insulating exposed pipes, tanks, and components can prevent freezing, which can lead to cracks and leaks. Double Flush can inspect your system and provide recommendations for insulation, ensuring all vulnerable parts are protected from the cold.

Monitor Water Usage:

During winter, be mindful of your water usage. Excessive water can overload your septic system, especially when the ground is frozen and absorption rates are lower. Double Flush can advise you on water conservation practices to prevent overloading your system while we’re completing your Septic System Winterization service.

Schedule a Winter Inspection:

Consider scheduling a winter inspection with Double Flush. Their experienced technicians can assess your system’s readiness for winter, identify any potential issues, and make recommendations to ensure it functions optimally during the colder months.


In conclusion, septic system winterization is crucial for maintaining the health and functionality of your system during the cold winter months. It’s important to take proactive steps to protect your septic system from freezing and overloading. You can prevent costly damage and ensure uninterrupted operation. From pumping the tank to insulating exposed components, winterization measures are essential for avoiding potential issues and ensuring your system’s longevity. With proper winterization, you can safeguard your investment and enjoy peace of mind.

More Posts About Septic Emergencies, Cleaning and Maintenance:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including Erie, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Striving to be the Best Septic Tank Cleaning Company Near You!

When it comes to septic maintenance our goal is to save you money by lengthening the life and maintaining the health of your septic system. We strive to be the best septic services, septic pumping and septic cleaning company. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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The Importance of Regular Septic Tank Maintenance: A Complete Guide

Is your septic tank smelly?

At Double Flush Septic Services, we understand the importance of regular septic tank maintenance. We pride ourselves on providing reliable and affordable septic services to homeowners throughout the area. Unlike other companies that may nickel and dime their customers, we believe in providing upfront and honest pricing for all of our services.

First and foremost,

Regular maintenance helps prevent major issues such as clogs, backups, and leaks. These issues can be expensive to repair and can cause significant damage to your property. By scheduling regular maintenance with a professional septic service like Double Flush Septic Services, you can avoid these problems and keep your septic system running smoothly.


Regular maintenance can help extend the life of your septic tank. Over time, solid waste and sludge can build up in your tank, leading to clogs and other issues. By having your tank pumped regularly, you can remove these accumulations and prevent damage to your septic system.

Another important aspect of,

Regular septic tank maintenance is ensuring that your system is operating efficiently. A well-maintained septic tank will be able to properly treat wastewater and prevent harmful contaminants from entering the environment. This is not only important for your own health and safety but also for the health of your community and the environment.

In conclusion, regular septic tank maintenance is essential for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your septic system. By scheduling regular maintenance with a reputable septic service like Double Flush Septic Services, you can avoid costly repairs and keep your septic system running smoothly for years to come.

More Posts About Septic Emergencies, Cleaning and Maintenance:

For more tips on maintaining the health of your septic system, pumping, cleaning, inspecting or repairing your septic tank, call or text us at (330)391-5551.


We service the Northern Ohio area including Erie, Lorain, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties. Our family-owned septic company is the one to call for all of your emergency septic tank services, including septic tank pumping. We can work around your schedule when it’s convenient for you, including working on weekends and evenings.

Striving to be the Best Septic Tank Cleaning Company Near You!

When it comes to septic maintenance our goal is to save you money by lengthening the life and maintaining the health of your septic system. We strive to be the best septic services, septic pumping and septic cleaning company. Please leave us a review and let us know how we did.

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